Earlier this month we made an appearance at Games Convention Asia. This was the second annual Asian version of Games Convention held in Leipzig, Germany each year. The show was in two parts, a professional conference on the third floor of the Suntec Convention Center, and a public exhibition area on the fourth floor. The professional conference drew some 700 attendees; we had some good meetings there and developed a few new sales leads, as well. The exhibition area supposedly drew some 92,000 visitors, though traffic there was quite light on the Thursday afternoon that I went up there.
Being the business guy that I am, I stepped out of my comfort zone a bit, and gave a 50-minute presentation entitled "Simplifying Cross-Platform Development in a Multi-Core Environment." I spoke all about the varying multicore architectures of the PS3, the Xbox 360, today's multicore PCs, and even Larabee and Cuda, new architectures by Intel and Nvidia, respectively. And of course, how Gamebryo's Floodgate simplifies development across all those different architectures (and how it even benefits the single core Wii).
Does that sound like a really exciting presentation, or what?! I warned my audience that if they were taking notes, they had better put big ol' rubber erasers on the ends of their pencils, so that when their heads came crashing down in their laps from falling asleep, they didn't accidentally poke an eye out. Most everybody laughed, so apparently this group of attendees had a pretty good command of English.
However, the near-100 attendees seemed to be thoroughly engaged, and folks were highly complimentary of the session. A big hearty THANK YOU goes out to Vincent Scheib and Dan Amerson for their help in prepping me for this presentation!!!

Ntreev was proudly exhibiting Black Shot Online (Powered by Gamebryo) at the show.

A view from the exhibit floor.